Handling & Cooking Seafood

Cooking Tips

General cooking guidelines for fish & seafood:

How to Prepare:
  • There are many ways to cook fish but for best tasting results do not overcook the fish.
  • Baking the product, allow 10 - 20 minutes at 450 degrees F for the 1st inch of thickness.
    Add about 10 minutes per additional inch.
  • Barbecuing the product, cook about 4 inches from the coals for 5 to 6 minutes on each side
    or until fish flakes when tested with a fork.
  • Poaching the product, boil for 10 minutes per inch of thickness.
  • Pan frying, until golden brown on one side, turn and brown the other side.
    The complete cooking time should be approximately 10 minutes per inch of thickness.

    *These are just general cooking guidelines, always use your own personal judgement.*

Handling & Storage of Seafood

Cutting fish & seafood:

How to Prepare:
  • When cutting seafood for fillets, steak or portions one has to be delicate with the product to avoid any breakage.
  • This is especially true for softer fish like Whitefish or Arctic Char.
  • Portion Control: The more accurate the cut, the less food waste, the less expensive the portion!

Fresh fish & seafood shelf life:

Fish and Seafood Shelf Life:
  • Normal shelf life is 5 days when the product is received, some products last longer but must be kept fully covered in ice.
  • You should never buy more than 3-4 days supply and use a First-In First-Out inventory policy.
  • Steaks and fillets must be in a closed bag with ice on top.
  • Rinsing the fresh fish helps maintain it better.
  • If ice melting occurs – drain the water and re-ice the product.

Storage of fish & seafood:

How to Store:
  • Fresh Seafood should be stored between the temperatures of 0 to 4 C.
  • Ice should be kept directly on top of all fresh fish, seafood and shellfish with the exception of coloured seafood such as Salmon, Tuna, Swordfish & etc. For coloured seafood, ice should be kept in a plastic bag on top of the fish to avoid discolouration.
  • Frozen Seafood should be stored between the temperatures of -15 to -21 C.
  • Frozen product should be kept packaged at all times while in the freezer to avoid freezer burn.

Thawing out frozen fish & seafood:

How to Thaw:
  • Frozen Seafood should be thawed out in the cooler overnight or 1-2 hours at room temperature before
    the product is required.
  • It's always recommended and preferred that the product should be thawed out under refrigerated conditions. 
  • If required, cold water can be used to speed up the thawing process.


Seafood abbreviation list:

A list of common abbreviations used in the seafood industry:

ASC = Aquaculture Stewardship Council
B.L.O. = Blood Line Out
B/IN – Bone-in

B/OUT = Bone-out
BT = Black Tiger
BTFY = Butterfly
C/C = Centre-Cut
C&K = Claw & Knuckle
CKD = Cooked
CPTOFF = Cooked Tail Off
CPTON = Cooked Tail On
CT = Count

EC = East Coast
EZDC = Easy Peel Deep Cut
EZP or EP = Easy Peel
FAS = Frozen at Sea

FC = Final Count
FIL = Fillets

GGS = Gilled, Gutted & Scaled
GT = Green Tiger

GW = Gross Weight
H&G = Headless & Gutted

H-ON = Head-on
IPB = Individually Poly Bagged
IPW = Individually Poly Wrapped

IQF = Individually Quick Frozen
IVP = Individually Vacuum Packed

MSC = Marine Stewardship Council
NW = Net Weight
PBI = Pin Bone In

PBO = Pin Bone Out
P&D = Peeled & Deveined
PDTOFF = Peeled, Deveined, Tail Off
PDTON = Peeled, Deveined, Tail On
PF = Previously Frozen
PRTN = Portions
QP = Quick Peel (Easy Peel)
S&G = Scaled & Gutted
SKLS = Skinless
Sk-off = Skin-off
Sk-on = Skin-on
SO = Shell-On
SOEP = Shell-On Easy Peel
S/P = Shatter pack (Layer pack)
T-OFF = Tail-off
T-ON = Tail-on
TW = Take Weight
VP = Vacuum Packed
WC = West Coast

* As always, please use your own judgement when cooking, handling or storing fish & seafood.  These are intended as general guidelines to help you out.